1) To continue with something like a topic or idea.

ex) Let's go ahead and finish up after lunch.


2) To physically walk forward or in front of others.

ex) Let's go ahead of India.

1. apparently

내가 가진 정보로 판단,

확실하지 않을 수 있음, 주관적


2. obviously

의심의 여지 없이 확실할때,

설명할 필요도 없음, 객관적


'다른점' 카테고리의 다른 글

'want' vs. 'would like'  (0) 2021.04.23
used to + verb, be used to + noun, get used to + noun, be used to + verb  (0) 2021.04.11
seem vs. look  (0) 2021.03.25
won't 의 다른 의미  (0) 2021.03.23
아마도 - maybe, probably, possibly  (0) 2021.03.23

다른 사람이 힘든 상황에서 포기하지 않도록 격려하는 표현



Hyunjin Ryu hung in there through a tough start.






'발음' 카테고리의 다른 글

Utter and Utterly  (0) 2021.04.23
QUITE & QUIET 발음  (0) 2021.04.13
going to 발음  (0) 2021.04.12
I’ve, You've, They’ve, Could’ve, Would've, Should've  (0) 2021.04.05
MONTH and MONTHS 발음  (0) 2021.04.04

To have overwhelming excitement when you see someone you have feelings for;

or a feeling you get when someone you love kisses or touches you.



Every time Cynthia kisses me I get butterflies; saying "she gives me butterflies".

It's a good thing to give someone butterflies

Falling in love gives you butterflies.




Urban Dictionary: give someone butterflies

To have overwhelming excitement when you see someone you have feelings for; or a feeling you get when someone you love kisses or touches you.



지난 주 금요일: last Friday

지지난 주 금요일: two Friday ago


다음 주 금요일: next Friday

다 다음주 금요일: two Friday later

utter = udder -> similar to "matter", "butter", "letter", and "better".  


utterly = uhdderlee



'발음' 카테고리의 다른 글

important 발음  (0) 2021.05.17
QUITE & QUIET 발음  (0) 2021.04.13
going to 발음  (0) 2021.04.12
I’ve, You've, They’ve, Could’ve, Would've, Should've  (0) 2021.04.05
MONTH and MONTHS 발음  (0) 2021.04.04

Will - 할것이다 (90%) -> 의지가 강할때
Would - 할것이다 (10%) -> 의지가 약할때 

I like some coffee.
I would like some coffee 나는 좋아할 것이다 (나의 의지를 상당히 낮춤)

--> would like --> 원한다 --> 정중한 느낌

What would like sir? -> 너는 무엇을 좋아할까? (우리말로 옮기다 보니 원한다)

I would like some coffee / orange juice.
I'd like some beef / chicken / pork.
I will have chicken.
Can I have beef/chicken?

would like to = 하고 싶다
want to = 하고 싶다


I want to go to the Italian restaurant.
나는 저 이탈리아 식당으로 가고 싶다

I will go to the Italian restaurant. -> 갈 것이다
I would like to go to the Italian restaurant. -> 갈것을 좋아할 것이다. (약한 의지 -> 정중한 표현)

너 뭐하고 싶니?
What do you want to do today?
What would you like to do today?

너는 뭐에 대해서 얘기하고 싶니?
What do you want to talk about?
What would you like to talk about?

너는 산택가고 싶어?
Would you like to go for a walk?


'다른점' 카테고리의 다른 글

Obviously vs. Apparently  (0) 2021.05.31
used to + verb, be used to + noun, get used to + noun, be used to + verb  (0) 2021.04.11
seem vs. look  (0) 2021.03.25
won't 의 다른 의미  (0) 2021.03.23
아마도 - maybe, probably, possibly  (0) 2021.03.23

the 다음의 단어 발음이 a, e, i, o, u 로 시작하면 '디'라고 읽는다. -> 스펠링이 아님  


마찬가지로 a, e, i, o, u 발음으로 시작하는 단어 앞에 an 을 붙인다.


'문법' 카테고리의 다른 글

"It's cold here" or "Here is cold"  (0) 2021.04.14
'What time' vs. 'At what time.  (0) 2021.04.06
'get to' 4가지 의미  (0) 2021.03.17
"There is a lot" vs. "There are a lot"  (0) 2021.03.15

"It's cold here" is natural.

"Here is cold" is not. -> "This place is cold" is natural.

'문법' 카테고리의 다른 글

the, a, an 발음  (0) 2021.04.22
'What time' vs. 'At what time.  (0) 2021.04.06
'get to' 4가지 의미  (0) 2021.03.17
"There is a lot" vs. "There are a lot"  (0) 2021.03.15

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