1. 해야한다.

- We are supposed to get 20 days of paid vacation a year.

- You are not supposed to smoke here.


2. 예정이다 / 하기로 되어 있다.

- 실행가능성은 75% 정도 된다. 강한 추측이나 예측은 아니다.

- It's supposed to rain tomorrow.

- I'm supposed to meet him in the afternoon.

- I was supposed to meet him in the afternoon. -> 지난 일을 얘기할때 종종 쓰인다.

- I was supposed to go shopping yesterday, but I watched a movie instead.


3. 원래 그런거야 / 일반적으로 그래

- Christmas is supposed to be spent with family.

- This book is supposed to be life-changing.

- Learning a new language is supposed to be challenging.


cf) d 발음은 하지 않는다.


'다른점' 카테고리의 다른 글

won't 의 다른 의미  (0) 2021.03.23
아마도 - maybe, probably, possibly  (0) 2021.03.23
'Here we go/are' vs. 'There we go/are'  (0) 2021.03.18
should, have to, be supposed to 차이점  (0) 2021.03.18
'It is sure' vs. 'It sure is'  (0) 2021.03.17

1. Have the opportunity to / be able to

- I got to meet a lot of people at the seminar.

- I don't get to travel very often.


2. Have the privilege to / be allowed to

- He got to go home early.

- He gets to work from home.

- Why does he get to take the day off?


3. ~하게 되다

- know, understand, see, feel, realize, appreciate

- I got to understand the importance of health as I grew older.

- I got to know her personally once I started working with her.

- I got to understand what it feels like to be a foreigner when I went to China.


4. annoy / bother

- This humid weather is really starting to get to me.

- Do not let it get to you (그냥 내버려둬).



'문법' 카테고리의 다른 글

the, a, an 발음  (0) 2021.04.22
"It's cold here" or "Here is cold"  (0) 2021.04.14
'What time' vs. 'At what time.  (0) 2021.04.06
"There is a lot" vs. "There are a lot"  (0) 2021.03.15

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