
used to + verb, be used to + noun, get used to + noun, be used to + verb

2ndlang 2021. 4. 11. 23:36

used to + verb

- done or experienced in the past, but no longer done or experienced

- He used to jog = he jogged regularly in the past, but he doesn't jog now.

- I used to eat meat, but now I'm a vegetarian.


be used to + noun (sth / sbd / ~ing) 

- to be familiar with something or someone

- We're used to tourists here - we get thousands every year.


get used to + noun (sth/sbd ~ ing)

- to become familiar with something or someone

- Eventually you'll get used to the smells of the laboratory.


be used to + verb

- Computer software can be used to simulate conditions on the seabed.